Friday, February 8, 2013

I seem to be a bit behind

You see, this little thing called school, is taking up a lot of my time. Sad, I know. 

No actually I'm really happy with my class this semester. They are keeping me busy, that's for sure. This weekend I'm working on a few projects (I can share after Skinny Man sees them). And no Skinny Man, I won't tell you what I am doing, just know that you will like it.I guess I should do some homework too. I mean that's the whole reason I'm in school isn't it? 

I hope to get a few post written for the upcoming week. I know you are all waiting to hear from me again. Just humor me and pretend that you are, it makes me feel good about myself.

Well I'm curled up watching Nicholas Sparks movies in bed. It's kinda awesome. Probably will be falling asleep early even though I'm the only person I know who gets 9 hours of sleep on a school night. Wow, I'm more lame than I thought. 

Thanks for stopping by! Anyone seeing any movies this weekend? 


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